I was convinced that it wouldn't be as good as Fifty Shades but I was wrong...so wrong! In my opinion, it was better. I finished it within just a few days. During my next trip to Target I chose Deeper by Megan Hart but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get in to it. I guess Beautiful Disaster was too hard to top!
My most recent book was Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson. See here! She is hands down one of my favorite bloggers for many reasons. She delights in being a mother, she's beautiful, brave and funny. I finished her book in less than 5 days. Stephanie gave me a new outlook on being a wife and mother. I'm trying to savour the moments that we get to spend as a family a little bit more.
Prior to Beautiful Disaster I had started on Raising Up Boys by James Dobson. I've made a vow to myself to finish it before starting another book. Don't ask me how I went from reading Fifty Shades to a James Dobson book! I like a little variety in life! :)