Thursday, January 28, 2010

All you need is love

How many of you out there send Valentine's each year? I have good intentions but have to be honest and admitt that I don't always succeed. It can be really hard finding time throughout the year to send cards for each holiday.

Valentine's Day has been and always will be one of my favorite holidays. There's just something about getting to tell your loved ones (even more) how much they mean to you. That includes spouses, children, parents, extended family and friends.

My parents did a great job of spoiling us (and still do) during every holiday and making it extra special. I've tried to carry on the same tradition with my kids. Although some may say that those type of things aren't necessary, I believe it's a matter of opinion. I spoil my kids in more ways than one. ;-)

I am prepping myself to make Valentine cards this year. I don't really have any ideas in mind yet, still trying to get that part together. I'll be making a trip to the craft store in the next week or so but I came across these adorable cards sold by various shops on Etsy. Thought they were worth sharing:

Make someone smile this year by sending a Valentine card.

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